Friday, September 30, 2005

Who Fucked up America?

I live next door to a bar. I have lived next door to this particular bar most of my life. There are times when it is noisy and I want all of the patrons to simultaneously choke on their PBR and die but for the most part I find the murmurings of my fellow city dwellers comforting. Sometimes, like the other night, I find their antics downright amusing.
2 days ago there was an argument at the bar that had to be “taken outside.” Two men, both clearly drunk (although one much more so than the other) stood outside yelling at one another. Actually it was mostly the more drunk one yelling. He was telling the other man all the things that were fucked up about America. More accurately, he was telling the other man that HE was the thing that fucked up America. Apparently the less drunk man had single handedly ruined this great country. That is, until my neighbor came home.
She pulled up in front of the house parked the wrong way and sent her daughter in to grab some videos that needed returning. This was too much for the more drunk man. He pointed at my neighbor and told her SHE was what fucked up America. She did not respect the rules that granted her the freedoms of being an American. She was an ungrateful and spiteful woman with no respect for her country.
At this point we find out that the two drunk, arguing men are actually friends. The less drunk man attempts to persuade the more drunk man to head home with him. In between his slurred and broken attempts to convince the more drunk man to go, he would throw apologies over his shoulder at my neighbor. Finally, tempting the more drunk man with a stop and Jack-In-The-Box, it appeared as though they would be leaving. Alas, nothing is really that easy. The more drunk man swiveled his head back at my neighbor and yelled “I hope a cop comes by and gives you a ticket!” to which she replied “I hope a cop pulls you over while you drive your drunk ass home!” Seemingly perplexed by this previously unconsidered possibility, he was led back to his car by his friend. His friend continued to sputter out half apologies as he made his way to his own car.
I think that the more drunk man had a point and we could all learn a lesson from him. Clearly SOMEONE has fucked up America. But the more fucked up we get, the more blurred our vision becomes. If we continue to blame our allies and neighbors for our problems, we will be packed up, sputtering and complaining in our own delusion, and sent off to meet our fate alone.


Anonymous said...

He blamed his friend for ruining the country?
That doesn't sound like a very good friend at all.
That sounds like an awful friend.

kt said...

wow, i didn't know georgie was scheduled to visit tacoma..