Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Go Vote Your Ass Off

There is a whole lot of extreme voting going on out there today. Living in mellow Oregon, I voted by mail and get to sip my free cup of coffee from Starbucks and simply listen to the war stories on NPR. But seriously dude . . . 7 hour lines, camping out since 4am, rain, snow, hail . . . voting today is like being a freaking postman! And I applaud you all. Truth be known, I was feeling sorry for everyone who had to put up with going to the polling place and I was even feeling a little self important and maybe in my head there was a tiny bit of “Oregon is paradise” preachyness developing about our progressive statewide vote-by-mail system. Then I read Dr. Spoke’s ode to the neighborhood polling place and suddenly I was a little sad too. Thanks a lot Papa. I will take the shout out though as a consolation prize (I’m the kid who voted three times and was telling my grandmother how to vote at the age of 5) because we all know how much I like attention.
But really, the most exciting part of the news today so far is that the voter turn-out has been crazy-mad-bad high. It’s causing long lines and breaking machines and all sorts of madness but people are enthusiastic about voting. And that is awesome.
Now lets all hope that we continue to get awesome news all day (and tomorrow too if it comes to that) because Aarwenn can attest to the fact that I have never voted for the winning presidential candidate, and watching our guy lose last time was not pretty.
Me + Despair + Tequila = . . .
well let just hope it doesn’t come to that.

1 comment:

Aarwenn said...

That day--that election day of which we must not speak without tequila within arm's length was at least epic. If nothing else. Our guy lost and it ushered in four years of seriously the worst government ever. But HEY! We drank tequila in an epic way! Every cloud has a silver lining.