Thursday, March 09, 2006

Snow, Frappccinos, and 51/2 things I have done this year.

It is now over a full week into March. Spring is fast approaching and this morning we had snow! At sea level! In the temperate Pacific Northwest! Now if you know me at all you know how contradictory, unbalanced, and stubborn I am. If you know me well, you know that I think this combination of attributes is rather endearing and it should MAKE YOU LOVE ME. Why are we talking about this? Because I hate snow. The newest and most valiantly dedicated devote of skiing hates snow, at least snow in the city. Snow in Whistler village? That is great, romantic, beautiful, tranquil, and inspiring. Snow on my windshield in the morning? That is cold, wet, obnoxious, annoying and entirely unnecessary. I have been distracting myself all day by reminding myself that there will be 2 feet of new snow in the mountains this weekend.
Not that I have the money to go. I am stealing money from myself (this is why I can’t have a budget) to go anyway. There is something just wrong about having hundreds of dollars in your account but denying yourself things like lift tickets and Frappuccinos. Yes, you heard me. I wanted a Frappuccino yesterday. I wanted a chocolate malt Frappuccino during the worst wind storm we have had all year. I wanted this icy blend of things I don’t usually like (chocolate) and things that cause me pain (dairy) while I walked around in 20mph winds and accompanying sheets of rain taking pictures of rich people’s back yards. Why? Because this is what I do. I just wander around being so many kinds of crazy so you all can feel better about yourselves.
Speaking of bettering ones self, do you remember my list of things to do this year? So far I have a 51/2 out of 10, I say the “1/2” because I didn’t BUY internet access but I did discover I can pilfer it from a few neighbors on my laptop. Therefore actually buying it would be a waste.
These are things I HAVE done. . .
1. Trained my dog to run agility courses. . . sort of. Well he has a diploma and we all know the real goal is to be hoity-toity and better than everyone. Nothing says “better than you” like an important looking piece of paper.
2. I bought an ironing board and I have been ironing to my heart’s content. I have been loving it so much that Tacompton Tiffany asked me to teach her how to iron. Spread the love!
3. I learned to cook using more wine in the food and drinking less while I make it. I now know how to do this. That does not mean I actually do it often but knowledge is power everyone. Knowledge is power.
4. I went to the dentist. I really did this and it wasn’t so bad. Other than the man making jokes about how I am supposed to come in every 6 months not every 6 years (har har har)
5. I have been spending more time with my Mother and enjoying it. That is what you do to be a better friend. You devote time and energy to another person and then you get something out of it while no one is the wiser. Ha!
we will not discus the things I have not done because the snow this morning has infused all the negativity I can take for one day directly into my blood stream (and clearly I am not dealing well with it) I totally need a day off. Yeah for the fast approaching weekend!


ree said...

Maybe I should try your "use more wine in cooking, drink less while cooking" rule of thumb... so thats the problem!

Aarwenn said...

I'm pulling for you, and you're an EXCELLENT cook, so whether you use the new rule of thumb or not, you're awesome. I have spoken.