Thursday, October 30, 2008

back to remodel

So my BFF asked me to start contributing to her blog. I am very excited about it and I have posted twice. I would have posted more except . . . well . . . its supposed to be a happy blog. I don’t mean happy in a “warm-puppy-that-smells-like-flowers-giving-you-butterfly-kisses” kind of way. It’s just that I am not really supposed to bitch and moan and complain about politics or how cold my office is or the sudden appearance of cockroaches IN MY SHOWER THIS MORNING! (See, Portland is not always Paradise.) No, this other blog is supposed to be a mental safe-haven. A place you can rely on to find something to be glad about.
But as much as I am a happy person, I am much more entertaining as a sarcastic person. So writing for her blog has been a welcome and healthy challenge. But it has also reminded me how much I enjoy writing for THIS blog where I can be the snarky, pessimistic bitch that you all love.
Also, we are buying a house. A house that was built in 1944 and is salmon pink. A house that has wood paneling and pearlescent, textured vinyl “wallpaper.” A house that has wonderful built-ins, beautiful hardwood floors and amazingly cool art-deco kitchen cabinets. Basically, the process of fixing up the good bones and banishing the ill-advised decorating scheme will give me plenty to talk about. If by “talk” you mean “attempt to remain cogent as I pull my hair out strand by strand and recite Jean Paul Sartre’s The Age of Reason in the original French”
But really, it should be a good project.
That I will have to live with.
And in.
For years to come.


Aarwenn said...

Huh. I am reassessing my view that Portland is paradise. I HATE cockroaches.

Dr. Spoke said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of 'weekend remodeling' Mama & I would love to help you guys out, but we have a bathroom to remodel!
